Mubert® Orders

Welcome to the Mubert® Orders. You can sell your sample packs here.

How to make a commercial pack for Mubert

  1. Create account on Mubert® Studio.
  2. Connect that account here on Mubert® Orders.
  3. Choose the reference and make an order request.
  4. Read the Terms of Reference and the manual.
  5. Start to make samples after receiveng an email with order details.
  6. Make 100% of loops before the Deadline Date.
  7. Check the loops technical requirements reffering to the manual).
  8. Upload loops to the Mubert® Studio platform.
  9. Check loops consistency on a platform.
  10. Create a stream named with a pattern Order-{order-id}-{key} (e.g. Order-33-Am)
  11. Tag loops with a created stream.
  12. Make a moderation request.
  13. Get a response from the moderation team and make changes in case it's needed. Make a final moderation request.
  14. Moderators can approve or reject the order — you'll receive an email with the decision.
  15. At the time of approval, you will receive the documents to sign online.
  16. Your fee will be transfered to you within a month from approval date.
  17. After the payment, all rights to the loops will transfer to the Mubert Inc.

Brief Video Tutorial: